A simple Redux like data store for Vanilla JS apps

Let's create a simple data storage mechanism similar to Redux.

It's going to have the following functionalities:

  1. Able to store data in a single JavaScript object

  2. Persist the data in localStorage (or sessionStorage)

  3. Allow basic CRUD operations

We'll use ES6 classes to create this re-usable ObjectStore container.

class ObjectStore {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {};

Here, we are creating a simple state object that will store all the data.
We are also calling the loadState() method to load the state data upon instantiation of the object.

Let's first create a saveState() method that will save the state object in localStorage

class ObjectStore {


    saveState() {
        localStorage.setItem("objectStore", JSON.stringify(this.state));

Now we can create a loadState() method that will load the stored state object and set it to the current state

class ObjectStore {


    loadState() {
        const storedState = localStorage.getItem("objectStore");
        if (storedState) {
            this.state = JSON.parse(storedState);

Now coming to CRUD operations, we can start off with the Read operation and dedicate a method for it.

class ObjectStore {


    getState() {
        return this.state;

Now we can create a dispatch method similar to redux, that takes an action and performs certain actions corresponding to the type of action and use its payload.

class ObjectStore {


    dispatch(action) {
        switch (action.type) {
            case "ADD":
                this.state = { ...this.state, ...action.payload };

            case "REMOVE":
                const newState = { ...this.state };
                delete newState[action.payload.key];
                this.state = newState;

            case "UPDATE":
                this.state[action.payload.key] = action.payload.value;
                console.error("Unknown action type:", action.type);

This pattern is similar to Redux - we use switch statements and cases to perform appropriate actions - in this case Add, Remove and Update.

This is a great little utility that can help you as a data storage mechanism for your Vanilla JS projects or if you encounter such a need during interviews.

Here's the complete code:

class ObjectStore {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {};

  loadState() {
    const storedState = localStorage.getItem("objectStore");
    if (storedState) {
      this.state = JSON.parse(storedState);

  saveState() {
    localStorage.setItem("objectStore", JSON.stringify(this.state));

  getState() {
    return this.state;

  dispatch(action) {
    switch (action.type) {
      case "ADD":
        this.state = { ...this.state, ...action.payload };

      case "REMOVE":
        const newState = { ...this.state };
        delete newState[action.payload.key];
        this.state = newState;

      case "UPDATE":
        this.state[action.payload.key] = action.payload.value;
        console.error("Unknown action type:", action.type);
export default ObjectStore;